The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Wiki

"Getting to the Truth of the Annulment and the Fascination" (破談と魅了真相究明 Hadan to Miryō no Shinsō Kyūmei) is the sixth episode of the anime adaptation series The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady. It premiered on February 8, 2023.


Anisphia, who has obtained the dragon's magic stone, heads to Tilty, a collaborator and her bad friend, for new technology development. Once again, Anisphia was thrilled by the unconventional and unconventional research, but at the same time, investigations into the annulment of Euphyllia's engagement were underway at the royal palace...


Anisphia visits her research partner, Tilty, to discuss her plans for the materials she got from the dragon. To stop the creature's "curse" from encroaching on her, Anisphia has Tilty tattoo the materials onto her back, allowing her to use its magic whilst retraining her humanity. At the same time, she is called in by her mother, Sylphine, to aid in the investigation into the engagement cancellation incident. Questioning one of Algard's friends who sided with him, Anisphia discovers that he does not remember anything from the incident. The next day, Lainie and her father are called in for interrogation. While Lainie claims to not have had any romantic interest in Algard and Orphans believes her, Anisphia realizes something is off and takes her to speak in private. Examining her, the princess realizes what is going on: Lainie constantly gives off a charm and makes others infatuated with her. Informing her parents, it is decided that Lainie will move in with Anisphia to learn to control her ability. Elsewhere, Algard converses with the Ministry of the Arcane, Count Chartreuse, about how they will need to step up their plans now that Lainie has been discovered.[1]




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