The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Wiki

"The Magic Lecture of the Founder and the Assistant" (開祖と助手魔学講演 Kaiso to Joshu no Magaku Kōen) is the seventh episode of the anime adaptation series The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady. It premiered on February 15, 2023.


Lainie has decided to live in a detached palace for probation and research the power of charm. Anisphia and Tilty begin investigating Lainie's abilities. Witnessing the carefree exchange between the two, Euphyllia had something vague in her heart. At that time, a request for a lecture came from the Ministry of the Arcane, which had a conflicting relationship with Anisphia, and Euphyllia...


Upon moving into the separate palace, Lainie quickly reconciles with Euphyllia regarding her part in the engagement cancellation. Bringing in Tilty to examine Laine, she and Anisphia quickly realize the origin of her charm ability: she is a vampire. While they manage to teach her to control her ability, this also causes her blood cravings to manifest, which Ilia helps alleviate by letting her suck hers. Meanwhile, Euphyllia becomes envious of Tilty upon seeing how well she and Anisphia work together. So in response, Tilty tells her that she must make up her mind to either fully support Anisphia's research or not at all, with her deciding to support the princess. Later, Anisphia is requested to do a lecture on her inventions. However, the audience, composed of nobles opposed to her research, constantly ridicules her. Fortunately, Euphilia takes over as spokesperson and convinces everyone of the advantages that the princess' gadgets could bring before revealing a design for a mass-produced version of her flying broom, leaving Anisphia feeling grateful to the noble lady for standing up for her.[1]




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