The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Wiki
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Wiki

This is a list of the following rules for the Tenten Kakumei Wiki, when editing, discussing, or commenting on this wiki. For those who break any rules on this page, it will result in being banned.

Manual of Style

If you are looking at the Manual of Style, please click here.

General rules

  • No use of vulgarities. If you really cannot help yourself, censor them with an asterisk (*). Racial slurs are also not allowed.
  • No spamming, no posting of repetitive/duplicated blog posts, articles, or comments.
  • Sensitive/controversial topics like racism, misogyny, religion, terrorism, one's political views, etc. are not allowed.
  • Do not upload any content (videos, images, etc.) which contains gore, nudity, violence, or pornography (hentai).
    • Fanart and fanfiction are also prohibited. However, you can still link them on your profile page.
  • Strictly no vandalism of articles or another user's profile page.
  • If you do not agree with another person's opinion, or you find an action/comment done by a user as offensive, do not argue back, report to an admin to help you deal with that person.
  • No sockpuppetry or additional accounts which are used for mischief.
  • Do not create a discussion or blog post which got little to no relation to the series. Mentioning them is alright, but creating them as the sole purpose of the discussion/blog post is not allowed.

Image policy

  • Before uploading the image, please make sure the name is correct and appropriate, according to the image. Do not use the randomized name without renaming it.
    • Once uploaded the images with a randomized name, please rename the images before adding them to the article.
  • Do not write in title case (e.g., "Anisphia anime design.png" becomes "Anisphia Anime Design.png")
  • Do not upload duplicated images, they are meant to be already presented on the wiki. However, duplicated lists can be found here.
  • Some files containing an uppercase ".PNG" will be renamed to lowercase ".png."
  • Anime screenshots are limited to 1920x1080p, so the anime is produced in Full HD. An upper resolution than the limit will be reuploaded.
  • For the anime screenshots, please write the code like this "EP??" at the first word, this means an episode of the anime and should be used in all caps. For the second word, please use capitalized as appropriate, and for the third word onwards, do not write capitalized as a title case.

File names

  • For the light novel volume covers, please write "LNVolXJPN.png" or "LNVolXENG.png," not "Light novel volume 1 Japanese.png" or "Light novel volume 1 English.png."
  • For the manga volume covers, please write "MangaVolXJPN.png" or "MangaVolXENG.png," not "Manga volume 1 Japanese.png" or "Manga volume 1 English.png."
  • For the manga chapter covers, please write "MangaCHXX.png," not "Chapter 1 (manga).png," "Manga chapter 1.png," or "Chapter 1 cover.png."
  • For the anime screenshots, please write "EP01 Anisphia meets Euphyllia.png," not "EP1 Anisphia meets Euphyllia.png" or "Anisphia meets Euphyllia.png EP01.png."
  • Randomized names such as "dgtjae0rtrka.jpg," "hnf23o-efdgk.png," or "A25673-594238826.1652062510.jpg" are not allowed.

Acceptable images

  • Single panels or pages from the manga.
  • In the case of anime, images should not have subtitles, watermarks, editor credits, or borders.
  • Only ".gif" or ".png" file extensions. This is the standard requirement for the wiki system and many file extension types (such as ".bmp") are not uploadable.

Unacceptable images

  • Collages.
  • Images with watermarked.
  • Fanart of any form, for any reason.
  • Images unrelated to the series.
  • Files in any other format other than ".png" or ".gif."
  • Images for your profile should not be uploaded to the wiki. Please upload them to another image-sharing site and import them here.
  • Porn, nudity, and any other kind of image that shows explicit scenes, even if it's from an official source, according to Fandom's Terms of Use.

Comment policy

Acceptable comments

  • Quotes from the character/manga/anime.
  • Images/memes in the comments.
  • Greet happy birthday to the character of the day.

Unacceptable comments

  • Linking to the light novel, manga, or anime piracy sites.
  • Profanity and gibberish.
  • Trolling and off-topic comments.
  • Personal information.
  • Copypasta.

Message Wall/Talk page policy

Message Wall

  • Message Wall must be related to the editing side of the Tenten Kakumei Wiki.
  • No personal attacks are allowed on the Message Wall, then it should be locked or deleted.
  • Do not spam others or your own Message Walls.

Talk pages

  • Talk pages are for discussing the article itself, not the subject of the article.
  • Always use the section header on talk pages. If you rely on the existing section header, use the colon (:) instead.
  • Please refrain to add repeated posts.
  • No personal attacks are allowed on talk pages, so they should be removed.
  • Please remember to sign your post by using four tildes (~~~~).

Discussion guidelines

  1. Be civil and respectful to everyone. Keep discussions civil and be open-minded about differing opinions.
  2. Sharing/requesting personal images or information is prohibited, in the interest of our members' privacy. Sharing/requesting pirated/banned (from Fandom) content/links are also not allowed.
  3. As this is an English language wiki, all posts must be expressed in English. Quoting characters' Japanese dialogue or names is fine as long as it is in the context of the series.
  4. Please avoid reposts.
  5. Do not type in all caps.
  6. Threads and posts that solicit upvotes will be deleted.
  7. Off-topic conversations will be deleted.
  8. Impersonation of other users or famous people will not be tolerated. If you have been banned and return to a new account, your posts will be deleted and your new account(s) will be banned. The use of multiple accounts will result in them getting banned immediately.
  9. Do not share personal information such as phone numbers, home addresses, or non-anonymous social media accounts in the discussions. Anyone who requests this information should be reported and may face a ban.
  10. Spamming, trolling, or vandalizing of any kind will be deleted and may result in a ban. This includes emoji spam, spamming the same word across multiple posts, posting lyrics, and spamming ellipses (strings of dots).
  11. No yuri posts or posts about character sexuality headcanons. Please check out Yuri Wiki (


  • General: For general discussions related to this series.
  • Light novel: Light novel-related posts.
  • Manga: Manga-related posts.
  • Anime: Anime-related posts.